25 minutes long
4 sexy actresses: Oksana, Juliana, Angelina and Marina
Spy plot, office style, girls with guns fetish elements
3 amazing shootings + 1 sexy strangling scene
Oksana is shot in her chest, marina is strangled to death after fight, Angelina and Juliana are shot by one bullet while making love and then shot to their breasts
Much long sexy agonies before death
You will see all «dead» girls with opened-eyes death stare and closed-eyes death stare
Stripping bodies, touching bodies, carrying bodies, closing eyes, checking pulse
Very well made FX-effects, bullets effects, blood and art-elements like in crime comics for adults
Angelina is a mob boss hiding out in secluded place with 3 body guards. There is a hitman from a rival mob family that is hunting her down and has finally found her hideout. Angelina has one of her body guards (Oksana) guard the outside to keep the hitman from sneaking up on them and has Marina guard the living room. Angelina has a thing for her body guard Juliana and she has her go to the bedroom to have sex with her. (Just story). The hitman reaches the house and then with a silencer machine gun. He sees Oksana on the porch and riddles her with bullets before she has a chance to react. She dies slowly and painfully with eyes closed.
Back in the house Marina is sitting on the couch or chair watching TV. The hitman sneaks up behind her and strangles her. She puts up a good fight and manages to break free. She then tries to use hand to hand combat on the hitman. The hitman then manage to take out a wire or string from his pocket and wraps it around her neck and slow strangles her to death. She dies with eyes opened. He lays her on the couch or chair in a position to make it look like she’s asleep to prevent anyone knowing he’s there and checks for a pulse and then closes her eyes and moves slowly to the bedroom.
Back in the bedroom Angelina and Juliana are in bed naked and Angelina is on top of Juliana and rubbing her pussy with Juliana’s. (You can fake it if they won’t do it) The hitman sneaks in the room and shoots Angelina in the back and the bullet goes through her chest and hits Juliana right in the center of her chest. Angelina falls in the position in the photos. They then die slowly and painfully. The hitman approaches the girls and see’s that they are still alive and Angelina begs him to spare her life and tries to offer him a job with better pay if he does. He refuses and shoots Angelina once more in the chest and then shoots Juliana as well in the chest to finish them off. He checks her pulse and then Juliana ‘s to see if they are dead and closes their eyes. (Get some good body shots and close ups of the face before he closes their eyes.)
He then goes and undresses the other two girls and places them in the bed on their backs right beside Angelina and Juliana. Have it where all girls belly buttons are showing with no belly button rings and don’t get any blood on the belly buttons and face but you can get lots of blood everywhere else. After the deed is done he takes some pictures of all the girls for proof and then calls up his boss Makarov to tell him the job is done.
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Job For killer (Yellow Press Store)
Clip Duration: 26 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 790.03 MB |
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